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Q: In Zelda ocarina of time is the lens of truth and the eye of truth the same thing?
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Where is the dessert colossus in legend of Zelda ocarina of time?

it is in the east of hyrule but u have to go and do all sort of things ( make sure u got the lens of truth

Where do you find the Lens of Truth in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time?

As an adult, go to the music man in the windmill in Kakariko village and walk up to him and take out your ocarina. He will touch you the song of storms. Go back as a kid and play it to empty the well. Go down the well and get the lens

What is at the bottom of the Well in Zelda OoT?

Lens of Truth

How do you get across the haunted wasteland zelda ocarina of time?

Use the Hover Boots or Longshot to cross the quicksand, and at the end of the flag posts, there will be a ghost that will guide you through the Haunted Wasteland. Turn on the Lens of Truth, and use it to see and follow him.

How do you get the lens o truth being adult link in Zelda ocarina of time?

You have to be a kid and play the song of storms to the guy in the windmill in the village under Death Mountain which makes the well drain and then go down there and once you find Deadhand and kill him he will either drop the lens or they will be in a treasure chest. I can't remember which.

How do you get the lens of truth?

In Ocarina of Time, after you complete the Water Temple, go to the windmill in Kakariko Village as a kid and play the Song of Storms in front of the man. The well should drain, and you can enter the bottom of the well. The Lens of Truth in in the well. It shows things not seen, but it uses magic over time.

How to obtain the lens of truth in the legend of Zelda majora's mask?

It's in the goron village. You can see an owl and he is going to ask you to follow him. There is some invisible platform, but you can see them cause the owl is dropping some feather on them. Don't fall! You will find a cave with the lens of truth.

How do you get in the well ocarina of time?

after you learn the song of storms, go to the well as a child and play it, and the water will drain and you will have access to the well, where you'll find the lens of truth. IF U DON'T LIKE REDEADS WATCH OUT

How do you get through the lost woods in ocarina of time?

Princess Zelda throws it in the Hyrule Castle moat as she rides away on a horse with Impa while being chased by Ganondorf. This scene happens after the 3 stones have been collected. The stones are as follows: 1. the Kokiri's Emerald 2. Goron's Ruby 3. Zora's Sapphire After finding these, return to the small town just outside of the castle. You will witness a short video with Zelda being chased by Ganondorf. Zelda will throw the ocarina in the moat for you to run and pick up.

Can you get two keys in the bottom of the well in Zelda master quest?

There are two Small Keys in the dungeon, so yes, you can get two keys. Both keys are required to get the Lens of Truth.

On Zelda majoras mask how do you get the gorons mask?

To get the mask, Get the lens of truth, Look at the shadow (in goron village), Follow the goron, then play the song of healing! Hope I helped! =D

In zelda ocarina of time how do you get to the spirit temple?

You need the hover boots (which you get in the shadow temple in Kakariko village) and the lens of truth which you get by playing the song of storms in the windmill in kakariko village as a child. You can learn the song of storms by talking to the man playing the song in the windmill as an adult. When you play the song as a child, it empties the well, opening up a mini dungeon. The lens of truth is your prize for completing that dungeon, and is needed to complete the shadow temple. When you have both the hover boots and lens of truth, you can cross the desert past the Gerudo Fortress. You need the boots to make it across the sand without sinking in. Follow the flags set up in the desert, and you will come to a building that has a drop leading to a gold skulltula. On top of this building is a ghost that leads the way to the spirit temple, but you can only see him with the Lena of truth equipped. Equip it, follow the ghost, and taadaa!! You're there! One you're there, don't forget to bomb a crack in the wall between a couple of trees. A great fairy is there, and give's you the Nayru's Love spell, which creates a useful protective shield!