Just shake your wiimote to spin near the lever and it will pull it.
You can only pull certain objects in Super Mario Galaxy. Pull them by usually clicking and dragging with the A button if your on the wii. There are blue Pull-Stars around some galaxies that you can click on with your mouse and you will float towards them. I don't know of that many other objects that you can pull. Sometimes to defeat a boss or enemy you have to grab its head or tail and hurl them or throw them or something to defeat them. So to sum it up, you pull objects by clicking on them and dragging them.
Find the code on the beach in the sand. Remember the code and then type it in at the lever.
You can pull objects, ropes, doors, curtains, and levers.
On Zelda phantom hourglass in the ghost ship floor B3 if you hit the switch before you pull the levers what do I do? It is ok. You can still pull the levers and it will still work.
pull down the levers
pull the levers on it
superior articular process
That would be bones.
You walk up to the switch and press the up button
You go up to it and press action