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The Claw fossil

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Q: In Pokemon ruby which fossil is better?
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Fossil Pokemon Ruby?

Anorith and Lileep.

Where do you get the claw fossil in Pokemon ruby?

In the dessert

Pokemon ruby version where is the fossil?

IT is in the mountain where you fight a guy and you get to choose which fossil to get

What is the difference between root fossil and claw fossil on ruby?

there are different Pokemon in it

Where do you find ahelix fossil on Pokemon ruby?

in mt moon

What is the claw fossil's purpose in Pokemon ruby?

you can revive it to get an anorith. the root fossil will give you lileep.

Root fossil Pokemon ruby?

it is in the top right of the desert. you can choose between it and the claw fossil

Pokemon Ruby-where do you get diddo?

You can get ditto in Pokemon ruby by beating the Pokemon league then going to the cave the fossil maniac is digging he will be finished digging and he will say to be careful that there are Pokemon in there the Pokemon in there are ditto.

Which side is the claw fossil on in the desert on Pokemon RUBY?

it is right side

What are the Pokemon in the fossils in ruby?

In Pokemon Ruby, the fossils that can be revived are the Root Fossil, which revives into Lileep, and the Claw Fossil, which revives into Anorith. Lileep is a Rock/Grass type Pokemon and Anorith is a Rock/Bug type Pokemon.

What pokemon comes from the root fossil in pokemon ruby?

Lilleep comes from it, which evolves into a Cradily. The other fossil has an Anorith, which evolves into an Armaldo. Good luck, Trainer!

You love Pokemon but you can not decide what Pokemon game should you play Pokemon FireRed or Pokemon Ruby?

Pokemon ruby is better. i have both the games and ruby is the better out of the two so you should play ruby. Pokemon fire red is good but ruby wins my vote i think that Pokemon fire red is better personally so i would go with fire red but its ur decision Neither go old school and get Pokemon blue,yellow, or red