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Yes, there are only 3 things you can transfer to Diamond. You can only transfer Riolu, Darkrai and a Manaphy Egg. In order to transfer them, you must first complete their Special Missions which are unavailable now. In Diamond, you must unlock Mystery Gift by going to the 3rd floor in Jubilife City's TV station. Talk to the producer guy who's at the bottom of the screen and tell him these words "Everyone Happy" and Wi-Fi Connection" then save and turn off the game. You need 2 DSes in order to do this transfer.

Next, put Diamond into 1 DS and put Shadows of Almia into the other DS. In the Shadows of Almia game, you go into the Special Missions mission then select "Send a Pokémon" and then you just have to select which one. Next turn on the other DS with the Diamond Game Card in it and when you see the game menu (where Continue, New Game, etc. is at) you then select "Mystery Gift" and then you select "Receive Gift" and then "Receive from Wireless" and you'll have the Pokémon (or the Egg) sent over from Ranger to Diamond. Now all you have to do is go into any PokéMart in Diamond and talk to the guy in the green hat and he'll give you your new Pokémon or your Manaphy Egg.

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Q: In Pokemon ranger shadows of Alma can you transfer Pokemon to diamond and how?
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You can transfer Darkrai Shaymin and Manaphy from Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia to Pokemon Diamond using Nintendo wi fi connection.

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You can't trade Pokemon from diamond to shadows of almia, only from shadows of almia to diamond.

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You can't catch manaphy in Pokemon pearl, diamond, or platinum. You must transfer them from Pokemon ranger: shadows of alma.

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If you want to transfer a Pokemon to Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, you will need Nintendo Wi-Fi. You have to download the mission(s) and transfer to your DS Card.

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after doing manaphy speacil mission (not available any more)you can transfer Pokemon from speacil missons to pearl/diamond.

In Pokemon ranger shadows of almia what 3 Pokemon can be transfered to diamond?

1 is manphay