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It's simple, just look on Pokemon crystal walkthroughs. my guide book told me you can either get specific trainers phone numbers and later they'll give you one different stone. Water, Fire, Thunder, and moon I think. or show some guy a Pokemon he wants to see and he'll give you a random stone

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Q: In Pokemon Crystal can you get a fire stone in Johto or can you only get it in Kanto?
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Where can you get a thunder stone?

get past the Pokemon league in johto then go to the 4th badge city in kanto and buy it in the big as store there.

Why is there a low chance that Pokemon from Hoenn will be in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Actually, I think it's on the high side. In Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow and Green, (JP) Johto Pokemon weren't yet invented. But in Pokemon FireRed and Leafgreen, you could find Johto Pokemon in the wild as well as trade Hoenn Pokemon from Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Colosseum, and XD later in the game. Since HeartGold and Soulsilver are remakes, much like FirRed and Leafgreen, their will probably be Johto and Kanto Pokemon like Gold, Silver and Crystal, along with Hoenn Pokemon later. Then again, FireRed and Leafgreen had Johto Pokemon only on the Sevii Islands. HeartGold and SoulSilver probably won't have the Sevii Islands, but will have Kanto. Since you could find Johto Pokemon in Kanto in Generation II games, you should be able to find Hoenn Pokemon in Kanto. Just another guess. Hope I helped. Thanks! Yes.There are a bunch of hoen Pokemon in HG ans SS. Including starter Pokemon (treecko, torchic, and mudkip) which are given to you by Steven Stone after you beat Red on Mt. Silver.

What Pokemon evolve using a stone?

Johto-exeggsacute,wepinbell,jigglypuff,cleafairy(ones i know) Kanto-eevee(3 stones-water,thunder,fire)

What Pokemon evolve with the fire stone in Pokemon pearl?

I'm not sure what evolves strictly in Pearl, but I do know everything that evolves with a fire stone. 1. Eevee turns into Flareon with a fire stone no matter what time of it is ( Johto and Sinnoh regions) 2. Vulpix turns into Ninetails with a fire stone no matter what time it is ( Johto region) 3. Growlithe turns into Arcanine with a firestone no matter what time it is ( Johto region) 4. Magby turns into Magmar with a firestone ( Hoenn, Kanto, Johto, and Sinnoh regions)

What is the hard stone in Pokemon Crystal?

Pokemon crystal? Pokemon Diamond it's a stone dice that powers up rock type moves.

In Pokemon Soulsilver what starter Pokemon can you get?

Johto Starters: Chickorita,Cyndiquil,Totdile New Bark Town, Elm's Lab Kanto Starters:Bulbasaur,Charmander,Squirtle Pallet Town, Oak's Lab Hoenn Starters:Treeko,Torchic,Mudkip Saffron City, Silph Co. Green Stone: Treeko Red Stone: Torchic Blue Stone: Mudkip

Where can you find a fire stone in pokemon gold?

When you go to BIll's house in Kanto, his grandfather will be there because Bill is visiting Goldenrod in Johto. His grandfather will ask to see pokemon of the description that he gives you, and you have to bring him that pokemon. The third one is growlithe i believe, and he gives you a fire stone. He will also give you an elemental stone for the other times you bring him stuff...but being said you can only get 1 of each elemental stone per game :(

What do you do after you have beaten red on Pokemon HeartGold?

You go get the kanto and hoenn starter pokemon. You get the kanto starters in professor oaks lab in kanto. You can get the hoenn starters in silph co you talk to steven he'll ask what stone you would choose if you choose green stone you get treecko if you choose red stone you get torchic if you choose blue stone you get mudkip.

Where do you get a moon stone in Pokemon Crystal?


Where do you get fire stone in Pokemon HeartGold?

you have to get a grolithe and bring it to bills house in kanto

When does bills grandpa gives us a thunder stone in Pokemon silver?

Bill's grandpa is only accessible after you complete the Johto region (beat the final four). He is in Kanto's Route 25, in the Cottage on the Cape. He will ask you to show him several Pokemon, and with each one he'll give you an evolutionary stone. I don't know the order, but I can tell you which Pokemon they are and what stones he'll give you for showing them: Pichu - Thunder stone Lickitung - Everstone Oddish - Leaf stone Staryu - Water stone Growlithe or Vulpix - Fire stone

Where do you find another moon stone at on Pokemon soul silver?

You can get the moon stone in the cave when you are when you are heading to the Kanto Reigon.