The word 'semordnilap' is a name for a word that makes another word when read backwards. 'Semordnilap' is 'palindromes' itself when read backwards. While palindromes are words that spell the same backwards (like radar, racecar), semordnilaps are reverse anagrams, words that spell different words when they are spelled backward, such as liar/rail, diaper/repaid, desserts/stressed. (see related link for a list)
It is pronounced "sem-or-dni-lap" - the word palindrome spelled backwards.
personal message or private message
I think you mean Twig....
It is the word palindromes spelled backward.A palindrome is a word which is the spelled the same forward or backward, such as radar, racecar, Otto, and Hannah.A semordnilap (reverse anagram) is a word that is a different real word when spelled backwards, such as liar/rail, diaper/repaid, and desserts/stressed.(see the complete list at the related link below)
If you mean Temperance, she's the mayor of Treeton. Her cabin is the furthest north in town!
HORSEISLE ANSWER:SpiritEverPuppy-Brown Server
There is no actual way to hack into HorseIsle.
The term semordnilap is the word "palindrome" spelled backward. While a palindrome is a word that is spelled the same forward and backward (radar, racecar), a semordnilap is a reversed anagram where one word spelled backward is another real word. Examples: liar/rail, diaper/repaid, desserts/stressed There is a long list at the related link below.
Horseisle is a computer game so it is international.
On HorseIsle, there is no such thing as "shinning stats"