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For harvest moon tree of tranquility, there are no diaries. All you do to see how much he likes you is hold down the c button on the nunchuck, and then a screen comes up, then, go to the friendship option, and find lukes name, and beside it, it will show how many hearts he has for you :)

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Q: In Harvest moon tree of tranquility where is luke's diary?
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Is harvest moon tree of tranquility for Playstation 2?

Nope. Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is for the wii.

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Eggplant is in season during fall for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility

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The only cheat I know for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is infinite money.

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I'd say harvest moon tree of tranquility.

How do some people lose their diary in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

Only one person loses their Diary. If you get Gill to five hearts while playing as the female character he will ask you find his missing Diary.

Does Renee have a diary on harvest moon tree of tranquility?

No, she doesn't. But you can check how many hearts she has by holding your finger on the Z button and swicth to the friends screen.

How can you pickup the diary in harvest moon?

I don't think there is such thing as a diary in Harvest Moon Ds. Sorry.

In harvest moon tree of tranquility on a holiday can you still ship stuff?

yes, you can ship stuff any day during harvest moon tree of tranquility

When is Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility coming out?

The Current release date for Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility is July 14, 2008. But this date is subject to change.

Is Harvest Moon magic melody better than Harvest Moon tree of tranquility?

Tree of tranquility is better, graphics are better and story line easier to follow

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