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Niko can swim but he can 't use Jet packs and I advise you not to jump out of a helicopter over land, but over water your fine.

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Niko can go into the water but he cannot go underwater for long without dying.

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Can you fly on Grand Theft Auto 4 with niko bellic on xbox360?

Niko can fly helicopters in Grand Theft Auto IV, but not fixed wing aircraft.

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Their is no way.

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grand theft auto 4 cause i have both and niko on GRAND THEFT AUTO IV hed say fark off scum if hed like punch some 1 so niko by far

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Niko Bellic.

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Grand Theft Auto was the first game for PS3?

The first game from the GTA series produced for the PS3 was "grand theft auto IV" introducing the protagonist, Niko Bellic.

Can Niko Bellic join the LCPD in Grand Theft Auto 4?

No, Niko Bellic cannot join the LCPD in Grand Theft Auto 4. Niko is a criminal seeking vengeance in the game, not a police officer. The game focuses on his life as a criminal, not as a law enforcement officer.

Can you slit throats on Grand theft auto 4?

No, Niko is only able to use the knife in a stabbing motion.

Will Niko be in Grand Theft Auto Long Beach?

Nah( ̄ー ̄) every character in the GTA games are different.