To return to the past, you must repair the time machine. There are many missions required to do so. Once the machine is repaired, you have to have unlimited access to continue. Hope that helps!
Well, see, Number 2 says that you can't get back into the future after you're going to past. You can't! You need to stay in the past to save the Cartoon Network Universe from Planet Fusion! Actually if one of your friends is in the future you can warp to him and then your in the future.
you get it in the past from ranger
you cant
Everywhere unless if your in the future instead of the past
They're only available in the past. Hurry and level up past 5, then you are transported to the past.
In peach creek estates thay spawn near fusion Eduardo's lair (Past)
He's on the off world plaza or at genius grove
fusion fall is stupid
easy you can't sorry you have to pay if you dont say bye
In 2012 fusion fall come.
No!! There is only 1 Fusion fall!!!