Final Fantasy X
tidus is not in x-2
Tidus is a character from the Final Fantasy series. He is the main protagonist in Final Fantasy X. Tidus also makes an appearance as a playable character in Kingdom Hearts and Kingdom Hearts II.
no cloud is form ff7 and tidus is from ff10
You can't get Tidus in Final Fantasy X-2 to begin with.
Tidus's Celestial weapon, or Ultima is the caladbolg
Tidus is the main character in which you play.
His default name is Tidus.
*Spoiler Alert* Yes, Yuna ends up falling in love with Tidus in the game Final Fantasy X. She admits it at the end right before Tidus disappears. In the next game (Final Fantasy X-2) almost the entire plot is based around Yuna finding out what happened to him after he disappears.
Yuna is from Final Fantasy X and she never dies. She even returns in Final Fantasy X-2 where, if you play the game right, she gets reunited with her big love Tidus.
They never tell you his last name. The characters in Final Fantasy X are only given their first names.