brown bears can sense everything you can
Because bears love honey and someone thought it would be cute to put the honey in a bear shaped bottle.
Because bears love honey and someone thought it would be cute to put the honey in a bear shaped bottle.
Bear = Honey + Mammal Honey ecause bears apparantly like honey. Mammal because bears are mamals. I've completed Alxemy about a hundred times so I know it off by heart. Ask me anything!
Smelling is the Black bear's keen sense.
Rupert the bear's favorite food is usually depicted as honey in the stories and comics he appears in. Honey is often portrayed as a sweet and beloved treat for many bears, including Rupert.
nothing eats bear because of its size. only other types of bear eats other bears
Honey bear
Yes, Kodiak bears are known to eat honey as part of their diet, especially when they come across beehives while foraging for food. They have a strong sense of smell that helps them locate honey and they are capable of breaking open beehives to access the sweet treat.
Bees and bears do share a symbiotic relations ship. Bees produce honey because of the pollen they collect. Bear apparently enjoy eating the honey, inducing the bees to make more honey for the hive.
the sun bear and sloth bear refered to as honey bears, but i dont now all that about being sold in pet stores as pets! a kinkajou (honey bear) is sometimes sold in pet stores
A well-known native American axiom has it that "If a tree falls in the forest, the hawk will see it and the deer will hear it; but the bear... the bear will smell it."