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You probably will have to call customer service.

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14y ago
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13y ago

by turning of your xbox while your doing that make sure your mic is not in your controller then turn your xbox on and plug in your mic that should really work

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13y ago

if your cousin derecka touches it he will fart and coconuts will fall

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15y ago

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Q: If your microphone is broken on your Xbox live headset how do you fix it?
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Will a microphone from another game work on rock band?

As long as it is USB, any microphone should work with Rock Band. In fact, the Xbox Live headset even works as a microphone for this game.

How do you talk to other people on call of duty modern warfare 2 on xbox 360 live?

There is a microphone headset in stores where you can get games. But that is all i know because i don't have COD6, but i know there is a headset.

How do you fix a Xbox live headset?

Glue it.

Can you use a regular Headset on Xbox Live?


What is a headset for a Xbox?

something that is used to talk to others through xbox live

Are there any problems with using a headset and guitar in guitar hero during a xbox live party?

If the guitar itself has a microphone jack port, there should be no problems with using both at the same time.

Where is the plug-in hole for an xbox live headset on a rock band 2 guitar?

There is not a headset hole sryy

If yu buy an Xbox 360 live wired headset is it only usable on Xbox live?

yes u cant use it on xbox or computer

Does it cost to talk to people on xbox live?

Nope, as long as you have live membership and a headset!

Is a USB connected headset compatible with XBOX 260 and XBOX Live?

i meant xbox 360 srry typos =0

Can you hear game audio through an Xbox 360 headset without being connected to Xbox Live?


Does Xbox live come with the Xbox arcade?

xbox live is on all xbox's but you have to pay the only difference with arcade is you dont get a hard drive or an online microphone