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It is a fun and addictive game, so if you have a few bucks and a lot of free time to waste on a game, then definitely buy it.

Yes, there is a monthly fee. It will depend on whether or not you enjoy the game whether the fee is worth it to you. Many people find they quit playing other games (for better or worse) and so get tens of hours of entertainment each month from World of Warcraft, and so the fee is worth it. If you don't play it as much, then your mileage may vary.

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14y ago

If you buy the World of Warcraft box set you will get a 1 month membership for free.After that, it is $15 a month. There are several payment options, the most obvious is the credit/debit card. Another option is game cards. These are available at most game stores and Wal-mart type stores (in the electronics department). They are also available on line at the blizzard store and other gaming store sites. One often looked over payment option is the Phone-Bill payment method. This method adds the $15.00 each month to your phone bill.

Of course, if you pay multiple months in advance, you get a discount.

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12y ago

Yes, You would have to pay about $10 a month.

This is common in MMORPG's.

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Do you have to pay monthly to play WoW?

Yes, you do have to pay a monthly fee after u have bought the game it is about $10 a month or maybe more

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That depends what you mean by the question. Yes, you still have to buy the expansion disc to access its features but no, there is no additional payment on top of the usual monthly payment.

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There are many "Ripoff's" that originate from World Of Warcraft, But a similar game, The graphics and spells? I'd say Forsaken World.

Can you still play wow but not pay monthly such as if you buy the CD from a store?

It doesn't matter where you buy world of warcraft. if you buy World of Warcraft in a shop then you will get the CD/DVD and the CD key and if you buy it Online then you will get the key with email. with this key you can register an World of Warcraft account. then you have to pay a monthly fee that you can pay with a normal credit card or you can buy a gamecard with 60days play time (not ingame play time.

Wow do you have to pay for gamecards and monthly?

You have to pay for game cards if you do not put the subscription on a credit card or phone-bill. You do NOT have to have a game card if you use either of the other two options.

How come i don't have to pay monthly for wow?

Ether you are paying monthly by card or you chose the 4 moth or the 6 month payment method. If you don't want to do that thenm you can buy 2 month cards for $30 at any Wal-mart, Target, Best Buy, or any video game place.

Do you have to pay monthly if you buy World of Warcraft at Walmart?

yes but you can get a wow pre-paid card for 60 days wich is included if it says it has it inside

Is it just the account you have to pay for on World of Warcraft?

you buy the game disks and you put them in your computer and play wow duhhh!

What would it cost to buy a WoW account?

World Of Warcraft (often abbreviated to Wow), is an online, multiplayer, role-playing game. WoW is the fourth installment of the fantasy game Warcraft Universe. With over eight million subscribers, WoW holds the Guinness World record for the most popular MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game). Subscriptions to the game are paid on a monthly basis and vary greatly from country to country. In the United States expected to pay in the region of $15USD. For Australia, $2A, United Kingdom, Í—‘_Í_‘£8.99. Contingencies are made if you pay on a quarterly basis. More details on the exact price for your specific country can be found in the FAQ section of the WoW website.

What is the monthly bill of WOW?

$15 a month and $30 for a Game Card that gives you 2 months on it. Sorry that's $15 a Month on a Credit card or you can buy a Game Card that has 2 Months on it for $30

If you buy wow from a store does it mean you have membership?

Buying the game gives you a certain amount of free playtime. After that, however, you will have to pay the subscription costs to continue playing the game.

Should you play WoW or RuneScape?

If you like playing for free and not expecting graphics to be very good, then you should play runescape. If you have the extra money to pay for a game monthly and you expect a lot out of a game, then you should play world of warcraft.