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If they are instructing you to open the door and do do not listen to there commands you can be arrest for obstruction. If you are obstructing or hindering a police investigation they can arrest you. Also in some cases if the police come with a warrant you might not have to open the door they just might do it for you.

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Q: If you are not the residence of a house and they police arrive to arrest someone at the home do you have to open the door to them?
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You could try a citizen's arrest but the police man may refuse to be arrested. It is only a warranted police officer that is empowered by society to forcibly arrest someone.

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If the police legally (search warrant, hot pursuit, etc.) enter a building or private residence and discover any illegal substances or illegal acts taking place they can immediately arrest those persons involved. If the search or entrance of the building/residence is questionable the issue of the validity of the arrest and/or confiscation of items is decided by a judge.

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police officers have a criteria on this. On the other hand,for an officer of the law, it would be unethical not to arrest someone he has seen comiting a crime.

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You can view the arrest record of someone at your local police department. The arrest records are public and anyone can see them.

If a Police officer in NY stops someone that has a Felony warrant can that officer arrest him on that warrant?

Yes, of course. An arrest warrant is a command from a judge to arrest a person. Usually a police officer has no choice and must arrest.

When a person is on house arrest and they arrive home is it obvious as in do they wear handcuffs home and arrive by police car?

not in Ohio. Generally they wear an ankle bracelet with an electronic monitor.

What laws allow the police to arrest someone?

All laws are meant to be followed and abided by, therefore if a law is broken by someone the Police have the power to arrest you for doing so; as the Job of the Police is to do exactly that; (uphold the laws of the country being Policed). In conclusion the answer to the question is that any law, if broken allows the police to lawfully arrest.

What must the police have in order to arrest someone?

Probable cause or warrant

What do police say when they arrest someone in Australia?

Hi Christina BEJA!