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sorry but you seem to be out of luck with that one. it's impossible!

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Q: How to make super sonic not drain rings in sonic 2?
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Can someone turn into super Sonic?

you can not turn super sonic on GameCube just for pc. click on this at the bottom to download this website download is sadx.exe make sure you complete ever character including super sonic. when you do that collect 50 or more rings than jump press the action button and you be apple to transform into supersonic you will loose rings. when your rings reach to 0 you be transform back to regular sonic. you can transform back to supersonic again. make sure you click on sadx.exe and download sonic- superfix to launch sadx.exe. click this at the bottom to download sonic-superfix

How do you unlock super sonic on sonic riders zero gravity and in which story mode?

You unlock super sonic by doing the following: Finish both story modes this unlocks all courses and all missions. Now you must play every mission and receive an extreme ranking on each if done so you will receive a chaos emerald gear now play sonic and find the chaos emerald gear choose it and start the race you will normally not start as super sonic just yet first you got to obtain at least 1 ring there placed almost everywhere so don't worry too much, while your running as sonic you can jump and go to the attack mode area's which are a great "cheat" to win the race once you finally obtain rings you will transform into super sonic. NOTE: This is critical to know before playing super sonic whenever you use gravity control or the gravity dive your rings will drain faster than normal so be extra cautious all though you can use gravity control to your advantage by doing this trick: Right before any attack mode spots drain your rings by using gravity control and become normal sonic run into the attack mode spot to shortcut through the stage grab some rings and turn back to super sonic. Also the best trick to do is to wait until you gain 50 rings then gear change to the metallic barrier because first of all it never goes away second it will magnetically attract the rings to sonic making it easier to get them. Last point to make is once you reach 60 rings super sonic will enter what i call "super sonic mode" he will start going a lot faster and his rings will drain faster so be careful once his rings drop to zero he will return to sonic and go out of super sonic mode (by the way super sonic mode looks like his attack mode but its not so don't try to use attack mode shortcuts when in super sonic mode and if you get the attack mode item you will not lose any rings during the time your in attack mode you can attack foes but you still can't go in attack mode shortcuts so make sure your aware of this also in super sonic mode you can't attack your opponents).

How do you become Super Sonic in Sonic 3?

Collect all of the chaos emeralds (in the special stages accessed by hidden giant rings scattered throughout the levels), collect fifty rings and jump into the air. Press the jump button again. Originally, this would make the insta-shield. But now it transforms Sonic into Super Sonic.

How do you turn into super Sonic in Sonic the Hedghog 2?

There is no such thing as Master Sonic. There is Super Sonic, which he transforms into using the 7 chaos emeralds, there is Hyper Sonic when he collects all Super Emeralds and many more transformations, but there is no such thing as Master Sonic .

Why are there red rings in sonic the hedgehog 4 episode 2?

There are red rings in sonic 4 episode 2 because they want to make it kind of like sonic generaions

How do you unlock Super Sonic in Sonic Battle?

Super Sonic is not a playable character in sonic battle. Some people used hacking codes to change sonic's appearance and make him more powerful, thus making super sonic

How do you transform into hyper Sonic in Sonic FGX?

you go to the level were you have to fight metal sonic and keep looking around until you see a ledge and on that ledge all the super emerald's well be there and when you touch them they will be yours if you already have theme go to super sonic in the character selection screen and hold the action button and select him he will make a noise like (HAAA) then go to your favorite level and get 50 rings and transform he will be hyper sonic if he douse not make a noise then you don't have the super emerald's

Does Sonic make an appearance in Super Mario Galaxy 2?

No, Sonic is not featured in Super Mario Galaxy 2.

The cheat to get super Sonic in Sonic advance 3?

Collect all the Chaos Emeralds, and beat the game normally with Sonic as the leader. You can only be Super Sonic in the true final boss (the extra boss). There is no cheat to make Sonic super in normal levels.

How do you make a super sonic chao in sonic adventure dx?

buy a golden chao then make it run type.

Are they going to make a super sonic figure?


Can You get Super Sonic In Sonic Battle?

yes you can but you have to download the japan version of the game on your PC if you have a visualboy advance.look up on youtube how to hack sonic battle there you will get the instructions you need to hack the game then after you do that you can hack the game to make any character change and you can make super sonic and super shadow i think the super shadow looks better hope you find wat you need. but another thingyou can only make it look like super sonic it will not actually be super sonic the super shadow on the other hand will look alomost like the real supershadow because the super shadow is the same model as the origianal shadow.