Here is the bonus codes for aliens temple (really cool) checkmate (funny) theylive (they say its the aliens ops but its not oh and its hard if you dont tipe in newbie)
The new codes are: awesome, fatwallet, quickbuild, 299792458, clearskies, newbie, santa, pizza, beeblebrox, theylive, jacks, fullscreen, earth, and mars.
ok all i know are moneypenny (unlocks all codes) then type in beeblebrox then enter a level and press 42 at the same time it will say cheater then press 4+ or 4- or 4* and the alien ops actually is theylive because i used the beeblebrox and it took me to the theylive level
aliens- astros- drill not theylive
* *
Here are some bonus level codes: santa, manic, match, temple, checkmate, pizza, and maze. For a lot of money, try fatwallet (no spaces). Also try, Theylive.
You can get the key in mission Atlantis by using the cheat codes.
while you playing Gta, you can just straightly enter the cheats codes. if you wanted to know where is the cheats, just find it in google.
codes in hunt for decepticon
there is not any
Humans codes #1 mars #2 powerup #3 niceman #4 buggy #5 flyboy #6 range #7 stomp #8 UFO #9 elton #10 eclipse Aliens codes #1 earth #2 zapper #3 extra #4 retreat #5 docter #6 scramble #7 flow #8 redalert #9 5050 #10 nightfall ops codes Humans #1 drill #2 cavein #3 jacks Bonus codes fatwallet awesome 299792458 newbie clearskies fullscreen to durn them all off 1337 Bonus level codes temple (awesome) checkmate (funny) manic (wierd) pizza (funny) santa (hard type in newbie first) match (easy) amaze (hard) and i know i havent writ the code for alien ops because there is no code for alien ops. you mainly have to enter 'theylive' all the time.
there is not any