Greek mythology started when the Ancient Greeks told their young stories about creaters of nature (example: They told their young that the sky moved around the Earth because Apollo pulled it along with his charriot.)
The world wasn't created so much as it sprang into existence out of Chaos. The world was the physical representation of Gaea.
Men were created by Prometheus, a Titan. He and his brother Epimetheus were spared eternity in Tartarus because they didn't fight against Zeus. Epimetheus gave all the good qualities to the animals, so there was nothing left for man. So Promethues made them walk upright, like the gods, and gave them fire.
which war of all? greek mythology is filled with wars...
Greek Mythology - Hades Roman Mythology - Pluto
Procreation. In Greek mythology however the world was already created by the time Aphrodite was born into it.
Greek mythology is a collection of myths that explain why things are the way they are in the world. They tell how the world came to be, how people were created, why there are bad things in the world, and how the adventures of great heroes shaped history leading up to present day in ancient Greece.
Hyatt is the Greek god of the under world.
Historical Atlas of World Mythology was created in 1983.
Mythology was created by mankind to answer questions about why nature acts in certain ways (earthquakes, seasons, etc.) and to fulfill a psychological need for some higher power that watches over the affairs of the world.
in greek mythology it was hades
Pandora (according to greek mythology
Not really a virtual world.But an Island in Poptropica called Mythology Island.