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Q: How old do you need to be to make a battle-net account?
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How old do you have to be to make a battlenet account?

Depending on the laws of the country in which you live, you must have a parent or legal guardian create the account. In the Terms of Service it does not specify an age, so one could safely assume that would be 18 years old.

How old do you need to be to make a MSN account?

There is NO limit to how old you need to be so you can get an account when your two probably!

How old do you have to be to create a spore account?

You need to be 13 to make a spore account

I have a Wow account that was merged into a battlenet account but I do not knowwhat it is and i cannot merge my wow account into a different battlenet acc nor log in wit the wow acc. What should i do?

Once you have merged your WoW account with your username and password is the same as your username and password. For example my username is now my email address "*********" and my password is the same as my old wow password which you can change at any time at the website.

How old do you need to be to make a phone book account?

You must be at least 18 years old to make a phone book account.

How do you change the email on your World of Warcraft account?

well i think you can change it but you need the current password and username if you don't know that then... well your pretty much in for it

How old does someone need to be to make an amazon account?

As long as you have a debit or credit card. Then you will have the ability to create an account.

Can you make a mochiaccount after it knows you are under 13 years old?

You cannot make a Mochi account if it knows you are under 13 years old. In order to open a Mochi account, you will need an adult or another person over 13 to establish a credible account.

How old does someone need to be to create an account on facebook?

In order to create an account on Facebook, you need to be at least 13 years old.

How do you make a On passwords?

When you first make an account, you will get to make your own password. However, if you want to change your password, you log in, then go into my account which is under your username. You need your old password to get a new password though.

How old do you have to be to have a account on MySpace?

In order to have an account on myspace, you need to be 13 years old or older.

How do you make a password on stardoll?

When you first make an account, you will get to make your own password. However, if you want to change your password, you log in, then go into my account which is under your username. You need your old password to get a new password though.