As many as he wanted. If he wants to chop wood then he will chop wood. Ask him, maybe he can give you an estimation on how many he can chop. Don't ask a silly question when we don't know who this woodchopper is....
A wood chopper could chop as much wood as a wood chopper could chop wood.
a wood chop could chop as much wood as wood chop could chop if a wood chop could chop wood
They would chop alot of wood then if as wood could chop would Depends on how strong the wood chopper is and how sharp the axe is.
The original tongue-twister is of unknown origin. In it,"How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?is paired with"A woodchuck would chuck all the wood he could if a woodchuck could chuck wood."or"As much wood as a woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could chuck wood."
None Xx
If a wood chopper can't chop wood, then they wouldn't be able to chop any wood at all. It's like asking how many apples a person can pick if they can't pick apples. The ability to chop wood is essential for a wood chopper to chop any wood.
Only 1 it says wood not woods
hell no
over 100 peices of wood
No, you would chop wood with a Hatchet. =]
you don,t chop wood with a chain saw, you cut it, you chop wood with an axe, or split it with an axe.