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You could probably sell it on Ebay for about $15. If you sell it to GameStop, you might be able to get $10 for it.

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Q: How much is Pokemon sapphire for gameboy worth used?
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How much is the Pokemon game sapphire worth?

now it is worth $69.49. at least it is worth that much on amazon. what about pounds if your in United Kingdom or anywhere that does pounds.

How much is a used Pokemon LeafGreen worth?

Pokemon Leaf Green is a game for the Gameboy Advanced system. A used copy is worth around thirty US dollars.

How much are gameboy colors worth?

Gameboy Colors are not worth much... Gamestop: Won't buy it it's too old they wont accept it Pawnshop: about 2-3$ Ebay:5-20$ In person:5-20$ gameboy colors aren't worth much unless they are new/unboxed even if you sell it you probably wont make much money

Where do you find Deoxys in Pokemon Sapphire?

Sorry But as much as i would love to catch it, you can't catch in Pokemon sapphire :(

How much is your gameboy collection worth?

i have about 10 games maybe more. some are rare and popular. including pokemon yellow version and super mario land. I have the game boy portable carry-all case and a big yellow original gameboy and a red gameboy colour. I also think i have the purple gameboy colour too! nEED TO KNOW A PRICE FOR ALL THIS.

Which Pokemon can use surf in Pokemon sapphire on gameboy advance?

Pretty much any water type pokemon, plus zigzagoon, bidoof, mew, and a few others, but they will not learn this move naturally. It is a HM (Hidden Machine) that can only be obtained after completing different events. (Things you have to do differ by game and/or generation.

Which is better action replay max or GameShark?

it depends on what game you are using. for example, if you are playing Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum,youwant an action replay. but, if you are play Pokemon yellow/blue/red/silver/gold/crysta/Sapphire/emerald or ruby,you want a game shark. and if you aren't a fan of Pokemon, pretty much its like this, if you are playing a Nintendo ds game, you want an action replay. but if you are play a gameboy or gameboy advance games,you want a gameshark.

What is the difference between Pokemon sapphire and Pokemon emerald please?

not much only in sapphire you can only catch kyogre and in emerald you can catch both kyogre and groudon.

How much money can you get from selling a Pokemon sapphire game at gamestop?

around £15

Pokemon sapphire how to get dive?

You can't unless you trade a Pokemon from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald and get a Pokemon that knows Dive. The HM Dive is not necessary in Pokemon Firered and is thus not avaliable. However, a Pokemon that knows Dive can be traded from Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby or Emerald version to Firered.can notI can't remember much, but I think you have to get it from Wallace or Juan.

What Pokemon in sapphire can learn dive?

Goldeen, Gyarados, Whiscash, pretty much any Pokemon that looks like a fish.

How much would a used version of Pokemon Emerald cost for the-Nintendo-ds?

emerald is not for the DS it is for the Gameboy It would be $30.00