now it is worth $69.49. at least it is worth that much on amazon. what about pounds if your in United Kingdom or anywhere that does pounds.
Pokemon Leaf Green is a game for the Gameboy Advanced system. A used copy is worth around thirty US dollars.
Gameboy Colors are not worth much... Gamestop: Won't buy it it's too old they wont accept it Pawnshop: about 2-3$ Ebay:5-20$ In person:5-20$ gameboy colors aren't worth much unless they are new/unboxed even if you sell it you probably wont make much money
Sorry But as much as i would love to catch it, you can't catch in Pokemon sapphire :(
i have about 10 games maybe more. some are rare and popular. including pokemon yellow version and super mario land. I have the game boy portable carry-all case and a big yellow original gameboy and a red gameboy colour. I also think i have the purple gameboy colour too! nEED TO KNOW A PRICE FOR ALL THIS.
Pretty much any water type pokemon, plus zigzagoon, bidoof, mew, and a few others, but they will not learn this move naturally. It is a HM (Hidden Machine) that can only be obtained after completing different events. (Things you have to do differ by game and/or generation.
it depends on what game you are using. for example, if you are playing Pokemon diamond/pearl/platinum,youwant an action replay. but, if you are play Pokemon yellow/blue/red/silver/gold/crysta/Sapphire/emerald or ruby,you want a game shark. and if you aren't a fan of Pokemon, pretty much its like this, if you are playing a Nintendo ds game, you want an action replay. but if you are play a gameboy or gameboy advance games,you want a gameshark.
not much only in sapphire you can only catch kyogre and in emerald you can catch both kyogre and groudon.
around £15
You can't unless you trade a Pokemon from Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald and get a Pokemon that knows Dive. The HM Dive is not necessary in Pokemon Firered and is thus not avaliable. However, a Pokemon that knows Dive can be traded from Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby or Emerald version to Firered.can notI can't remember much, but I think you have to get it from Wallace or Juan.
Goldeen, Gyarados, Whiscash, pretty much any Pokemon that looks like a fish.
emerald is not for the DS it is for the Gameboy It would be $30.00