

Best Answer

well first why dont you just check it on runescape. stop playing the baby game get like a better game. you like war games go play soldier front or something. ok but still if you dont like my answer its ok

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Q: How much exp does copper ore give you?
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Much of the world's copper is contained in which mineral ore?

The largest source of copper is from porphyry ore.

How can you level up Pokemon faster?

give them exp share ore rare candy.

What ore is copper found in?

a copper ore

How much is copper ore worth in wow?

about 20g on the AH

Name one copper ore?

The mineral malachite is an ore of copper.

What is used to separate copper from its ore?

A refinery separates copper from its ore.

Is copper ore oxidized?

Most copper ore occurs as copper in combination with oxygen, yes.

What is the mass in g of pure copper ore metal?

It depends how much of it you have.

The real name for copper ore?

The most common ore of copper is Copper pyrite CuFeS2 but other ores are also exist.

What ore is copper?

Copper is typically extracted from the ore chalcopyrite, which is a copper iron sulfide mineral. Other ores that contain copper include bornite, chalcocite, and covellite.

How do you get copper metal from copper ore?

It depends upon nature of ore the most common ore of copper is Copper pyrite CuFeS2. the extraction of copper from this ore involves the following steps, 1-crushing, 2-grinding, 3-concentration of ore, 4-roastiong, 5-smelting, 6- preparation of blister copper and 7- electrorefining of blister copper.

Where do you extract copper?

Copper Ore.