It matters what plan you buy, my personnal plan is 80$ for 12 months which is best offer if you expect to play for at least a year.
1-month- $7.95
3-month- $19.95
12-month- $49.95
While some features are free to everyone on Xbox Live, the most important features (like playing games with other players) require a membership fee that is around $50/year in price. There are other payment options for other amounts of time and sometimes special deals may be found that lower this price slightly.
It can range from about £10 - £50 ($15 - $78) Also never by it off ebay or any other sites that people can con you. If buying online use Amazon, Littlewoods or toys r us. Not ebay. There is nothing wrong with ebay at all, there might be several users on ebay who con but they get court and deleted straight away. If buying on ebay, look at there feed back and see there percentage score, this will determine whether the user is good to buy or not.
$8.00 or if you buy a Xbox 360 live 12 month gold subscription card-NEW. It will cost around $44.99
1euro or 2 for the new one
Xbox:$200 Halo 3: $50-60 i think Xbox Live:About $80 but you can get it cheaper
Yes but not much more
An XBox 360 Pro costs $300 in Canada...
from what??
it cost 1,389
It is a PC game and not a Xbox 360 game
How much is the modem
it is about $856
about £160