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It's a monthly subscription, which costs $9.95/month.

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Q: How much does the wizard 101 upgrayd cost?
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Related questions

How much does it cost to be a member of wizard 101?


How much does it cost to be a member in wizard 101?

just get a membership card in the shops

How much would it cost to buy a castle on wizard 101?

8,000 to 100,000 in gold.

How many crowns does it cost in wizard 101 to get kocitopia?


How do you get an ice salamander in wizard 101?

You get an ice salamander in wizard 101's Krotopia. In krotopia there is a place called krokosphinx. It cost 1853 gold. :)

What is the next project for wizard 101?

The next project for wizard 101 is the oppsite of wizard 101.So its the bad side of wizard 101.

Is Free Realms all the way free?

no you have to pay for membership, but it doesn't cost much. At least it costs less that wizard 101.

How much is the cost to be a member on wizards101com?

If It Is Bought By A card That You can buy at gamestop then it will cost 10 dollars or you can buy the one for 20 dollars but wizard 101 is very addicting ;]

Who created pirate 101 and wizard 101?

Kingsile created pirate 101 and wizard 101

When was wizard 101 created?

wizard 101 was created in 2007

What is better cp or wizard 101?

Cp is much better!

What are codes for wizard 101 for 2010?

what are codes for wizard 101 for 210