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When is Assassins Creed 3 out in America?

It has been said that there will be an Assassins Creed 3, but no one knows when, who, where, or what so... sorry. FELLOW ASSASSINS CREED FAN!

What is the order of the assassin's creed games?

1. Asassins creed 2. Asassins creed 2. 3. Asassins creed brotherhood 4.Assassins Creed Revelations 5. Assassins creed 3 6. Assassins Creed III Liberation

Is the Assassins Creed revalation the third assassin's?

Ubisoft split into two divisions one went and did Assassins Creed 3 while the other did Assassins Creed Revelations

Will there be a assassins creed 3?

yes assassins creed is a trilogy

How to get more ammunition for assassins creed 3?

You can acquire more ammunition for Assassins Creed 3 by doing some homestead missions.

Is there Assassins Creed 4?

well there is no assassins creed 4 yet. there will be a 3rd one, but that's another question. so get assassins creed 3 and see how it ends when it comes out.

Are there daggers in assassins creed 3?

there are 55 daggers in assassins Craig

What game should you get sleeping dogs or assassins creed 3?

assassins dogs 3

How does Assassin's Creed 3 relate to the older Assassin's Creed games?

Assassins creed 1 2 and 3 are the main games brotherhood and revalations are just follow on games from assassins creed 2

Is Lincoln in assassins creed 3?

no hes is not

Will their be an assassins creed 3?

Yes their will be an assassins creed 3 coming out and it will see desmond turning in to the ultimate assassin how cool is that I cant wait either

Is far cry 3 better than Assassin's Creed 3?

assassins creed 3 is better than far cry3. far cry is not better because assassins creed is too good