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usually 150-160 but it has to have the cords and at least i wii-mote.

That's Strange because when I checked the site today (July 6 2010) GameStop was selling Preowned Refurbished Nintendo Wii for only $129.99 and new Nintendo Wii in bundles for $199.99. Expect that the price is at least $100 lower than the above price. Gamestop has to make a profit after they purchase the console and pay to have it refurbished so even that may be trade in credit instead of cash sale. See related link
70 dollars
They sell them for $119.99 after they have sent them for refurbishing and paid for the S/H and the refurbishing and also make there profit. That does not leave much to pay you for the Nintendo Wii you give them.

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15y ago

well it depends on how long you had it for!! If you had it for 4 months then they would give it for $150!! :)

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how much would a used wii console games,and two game cub controllers sell for

a game stop.

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Q: How much does a Wii sale at Gamestop?
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You can trade in a Wii at Gamestop, but you can not get a PS3 for it without cash

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Not much

How much does an wii Kinect cost?

Its a Xbox kinect and go to GameStop .com

How much do the Wii game cost?

They cost anywhere from about $20 (at Gamestop) to about $60.

How much does Gamestop pay you for wii games?

About 30 percent of the original price.

How much store credit will gamestop give you for a used wii?

call them buddy.

How much does a preowned refurbished Nintendo Wii sell for at Gamestop?

Current search at Gamestop on July 6 2010 had a preowned refurbished Nintendo Wii for 129.99 and new Nintendo Wii in Bundles were selling for $199.99 see related link

What stores sell wii video games?

Wal-Mart, Gamestop, Best Buy, Target. A lot of stores sell wii video games. Wherever once can buy other video games (and most places that sell TVs) one can buy wii video games.

How much can you get for18 games for ps2 and Wii at gamestop?

Depends on what titles you are selling/trading.