a Nintendo ds weighs 6554grams
228 lb
the data is not stored in the ds but on the game card
218 g/7.69 oz
A usual DS game isworth $20. If it is used It Is used it is ranged $10-$15.
DS games are about 10.00 to 15.00.If they are new 15.00 to 20.00
100 dollars
the simpson's game on the ds in rubbish so don't buy it. it is much better on the wii .
DS games are worth nothing.
A new DS costs about $125, but sometimes comes with a fr game.
It all depends on the price and popularity of the PC game and how much the ds games are worth.
A game is about 20 to 50 dollars. A DS? Close to hundred or two hundred. Between those two.