Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 cost 89.96$AU. You may be able to purchase it for less if it is pre-owned.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will cost $60 for all platforms.
around 20$
Amazom .com has the Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare for $20 and the Modern Warfare Mobilized for $18.79 on March 29 2011. They have sold the games cheaper over the holidays
about 49$ at BIG W
Yeah, about 59.99 to be exact.
$59.99 unless found on sell.
When Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 First came out, it cost around £47 or $50 , now though, it costs around £30 and $32
No, it is free to play online.
Most map packs can cost anywhere from 800-1600 gamer points. The modern warfare 2 map packs cost 1200 gamer points each
It is $15 from the Playstation Store
It is just under $60 to preorder plus state taxes