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this is only PARTIALLY the answer: Halo 3 cost: "Michael Patcher [an analyst at Wedbush Morgan Securities] estimated that the total cost for Halo 3 will reach a little more than $60 million, consisting of $30 million for development and the rest spent on advertising and bonuses which could further tise the total expenditure." Info thanks to:

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I did some research into this (my brother did) and each spartan cost 5000000 yen to make so that equals £36000. so 36000X6=£216000 just on the main characters, then you got the maps other characters vehicals and multi-player and distribution so im guessing nearly three quarters of a million

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Q: How much did the Halo Trilogy cost for Bungie to make?
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What will bungie do when there is no more halo because that's all they are good at and if they do make more games they carnt be as good as halo?

Bungie, in fact, has a long history of great games, starting with Pathways into darkness and the Marathon trilogy for the MAC back in the 1990s. I sure that after halo, they will continue to make great games.

Will bungie make a halo 4?

Bungie won't but Microsoft probably will.

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Will bungie make a halo 4 game?

No, they will not make a Halo 4... But 343 Games will!

Is there going to be another halo?

Bungie made halo 1-3 then Halo ODST and after that Halo Reach. Bungie said that Reach would be the last Halo game as far as I know.not from bungie no thy have said that halo reach would be there final halo game but thy also said thy wont end things with out letting us know wht happend to master chef on the end of halo 3.

What is bungie's next series coming out?

after halo reach, bungie will not be creating another halo title, although there may be another company to make a different halo game (like halo wars)

Who made the game halo?

bungie. Microsoft did, bungie helped with the graphics and helped with the story. Microsoft came up with the halo trilogy. Microsoft came up with all of the xbox/ xbox360 games. Exept for gears of war. Couldn't be more wrong, bungie made halo wrote halo made the entire game, Microsoft however bought it out when it started making lots of money. Microsoft did not make halo, start halo, or none of the such. sorry for that guys wrong awnser thought i'd improve it. Bungie is a game company just like every game company they make there games, what he said is no different than me saying uncharted is made by sony since it's only on ps3 with in reality sony payed who ever made uncharted to only sell it for ps3.

Will there be a halo for Wii?

No, bungie might decide to make a halo for the ps3 but definitely not on the wii.

Are they going to make Halo 4?

Ignore the last answer that was on here. Bungie is NOT making a Halo 4. The only game they released info on us is Halo 3: ODST. Halo is a TRILOGY. They'll make another trilogy more than likely, that revolves around MC and Cortana and their encounters on the planet they were headed towards at the end of Halo 3's Legendary ending. Just enjoy Halo 3 for the time being. Its the best game on the market and if you don't have Xbox Live, GO GET IT.

Why is halo ending?

Every Video Game has to end. Bungie has made the last halo. Not the last Halo Game. Bungie has given the Halo Franchise over to 343 Studios. They have said they MIGHT make another Halo Game.

How far is bungie going to make the halo trilogy?

since call of duty has taken over its possible that halo will no longer exist if it does it would hardly make any money wrong call of duty didn't take over halo is just as big as it was when it first came and they will be making more games but it will not be easy

Will bungie make a halo game for the wii?

Very unlikely.