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If you play casual 2-3 hours plus a day I reckon you won't go over a 10GB but I would recommend 20gb- 40 GB for all the patches / downloads you do but I played 6 hrs a day on 10gb and I was fine.

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Q: How much bandwidth does Rift use?
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How much internet bandwidth does Travian use?

1400 gb

Does live audio streaming use up bandwidth?

Yes. Any transfer of information over a network, in this case the internet, will use bandwidth. How much bandwidth it will use is dependent on the technology behind the streaming and how large the source file is.

How much bandwidth is required to listen to Essex FM online?

There is no information available as to how much bandwidth Essex FM online radio takes. It is not as much as required, but how much it takes up is what the worry is for. Most internet providers have a limit as to how much bandwidth you are allowed to use in a month.

How much bandwith does online use?

An endless amount of bandwidth, when you think about it.

How much it cost for hosting a website with 1million page view?

That depends on how much bandwidth the site uses, and your web host's pricing for bandwidth. If the site is mainly text, you can expect to use less bandwidth than if the site were hosting video or other rich media.

How much Bandwidth does Cod use on ps3?

dont know exact but i use about £50 a month

How do you use rift in sentence?

There's a rift in the clouds.

Where can one measure how much bandwidth they are using?

A simple search of the net will find there are many bandwidth monitoring sites that are available for free. A popular one is callled Free Meter Bandwidth Meter. You also can use WFilter freeware for network bandwidth monitoring.

What does one use a bandwidth calculator for?

One would use a bandwidth calculator to see how much data that they are using. Normally it goes by month long periods and you could measure it by that standard.

What does it mean to throttle bandwidth?

Throttling bandwidth is the act of slowing down internet speeds, so that navigating the web and downloading take longer. This is done to make sure users do not use too much bandwidth.

Can you use all of your bandwidth?

If you don't have unlimited bandwidth then yes!

How much bandwidth does Facebook use?

No not much, unless you view like an excess amount of images and streamvideo, then no, not a lot.