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All of the prices of items differ, but they seem to have raised over the years. Limited Edition items are always the most expensive, though.

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Q: How much are the items on stardoll?
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Get free items at . :)

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Go to: for the mooncare items and more free stuff on stardoll XD xox

Who has all the stardoll academy items on stardoll?

Anyone who has finished Stardoll Academy has all of the items, well to be more specific, they have all the items from what type of tasks they chose, for example, a girl who chose the Beauty tasks will have different items than a girl who chose the Fashion tasks.

If you were once superstar in stardoll will you lose your superstar items?

No,You Will Still Have All The Items.

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What free items is there on Stardollcom?

Well there are loads of stardoll free items but you have to use proxies for most of them unless you come from that country or not.Using a proxy is not safe and you can get cookies but if you want free items on stardoll go to underneath stardoll this will give you links and proxy and clear instructions on how to get free items on stardoll.Some of them you also have to use a manual proxy but it will show you free items and how to get them!

How do you send your clothes to your friends on stardoll?

Sorry you can't send clothes only some specific items chosen by stardoll.

Do you loose rooms and items on stardoll when you cancel membership?


Where are the items in the stardoll arriety hunt?

heart in membership page

Stardesign on stardoll?

Any stardoll member can use StarDesign but you have to be a superstar to sell items you make and most you have to be a superstar to buy as well.

How do you sell stuff in your bazzar on stardoll?

You press the bag that says sell items or the gold like bag under your medoll. Then sell the items you can sell! Anyother questions? I can help you! I'm on stardoll as kiki7324

Where are the hidden ariety items hidden on stardoll?

on shopping and ur house