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Q: How many skills points do you have to have to explore the summit trail on sims 2 castaway Wii?
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Where do you send an SOS on the Sims 2 castaway?

The volCanoe summit

Where do you place the radio on Sims Castaway to be saved?

on the summit at the third island. hope this helps! :)

How do you get into the ancient door at volcano summit on Sims 2 Castaway for PSP?

You have to collect all of the hieroglyphics.

Why can't you find metal ore on volcano on sims 2 castaway?

you can go to volcano summit and there all over there you can go to volcano summit and there all over there

In sims 2 castaway how do you reach the volcano summit?

You have to make a conoe on the second island to get to the volcano island.------on the Wii

Sims 2 castaway where are the stone?

the stone are at the volcano summit at the third island and a different type are in the dark cave on the second island.

How do you spend ubi points?

There is a town store in summit city.

Where is volcano summit in sims 2 castaway ps2?

The volcano summit is on the third island, right above Volcano Overlook. When you get ten body skill, go to Volcano Overlook and go to the trail on the right by the strawberries and blood oranges, near the Hot Springs.

Where to find blue in Pokemon Crystal?

'll find him at the summit of Mt. silver which is to the left of victory road. How to get to the summit... You'll have to explore abit..... Also I think it's red ... Not blue.

Which Summit toys will teach my child banking?

The Summit ATM machines will teach your child invaluable banking and saving skills. Some of the names of these products are: Summit Zillionz Big Deluxe ATM Machine, Summit YOUniverse Small ATM Machine, and the Summit Zillionz ATM Savings Bank.

How do you summit an idea on Howrse?

To suggest an idea for Howrse, you must have at least 5 karma points. :-)

What are the first two explore to conquer Everest?

Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay were the first to reach the summit on the 29th May 1953.