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Roblox has hackers

Roblox has Toxic people

Roblox has Bullying

Roblox has Hacker Groups(like bun bun girls)

Roblox has scary accounts(like John Doe)

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βˆ™ 4y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago
Don joe is a test account, not a hacker.
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βˆ™ 11y ago

None, of course!


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Noney The Dog

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βˆ™ 3y ago
Ya roblox is dumb the people that play roblox is mad

minecraft came first will 20000000000000000 mil then roblox came with 19 mil

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Noney The Dog

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βˆ™ 3y ago
Ya William it will happen

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βˆ™ 4y ago


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βˆ™ 4y ago

k roblox does not you know and both games are good but in my opion roblox you can chat with friends and you don't have to bild

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βˆ™ 4y ago
In that case
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Lvl 1
βˆ™ 4y ago
You can’t say the f word

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Q: How many people like roblox better than minecraft?
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Building better than roblox blocks What are games like roblox and its free?

blockland and minecraft

What are some games like minecraft free online?

there's a game called Roblox, but Minecraft is better

Is Minecraft better than roblox?

It is a matter of opinion. You chose. -- Although many might say Roblox is free, it's really not. You need what they call "Builder's Club" to really do anything. It costs about twenty USD for a month. around what you can get Minecraft for. Minecraft, one paid for, is never renewed and is permanent. Budgetwise, Minecraft has the advantage. Minecraft's gameplay is also better, in opinion. Roblox has to be the slowest game I have ever played. On the same computer, Minecraft worked outstandingly! The Community also seems to be better. Roblox seems to be populated by seven-year-olds, while Minecraft is full of mature people. Really everything is going Minecraft's way. If you don't like something, install a mod(ification) or texture pack. PS. dont always need BC, on roblox. ~7 year roblox player

Which is better minecraft or roblox?

Although it is a matter strictly of opinion, Minecraft has many advantages over Roblox. It is really up to personal preference however. --- The reason Roblox is better is because you don't have to pay at all to get it or build anything. They have skating, racing, clothing, first person shooters, dancing, obstacle courses, and zombies. It looks better: it has many body shapes, better clothes, and more shapes to build with You can build anything including a plane or island or car. The graphics are better. You can create your own game in Roblox, and everything else you can think of. So Roblox is better in every single way. --- I would say Roblox because you can do much more things in it compared to MineCraft

Is there another building game like minecraft but you can play easly with other people like a mmo seting and its free?

Nothing compares to minecraft. Not even roblox.

Roblox or Minecraft?

sharing both sides so it doesn't sound like a biased opinion. Roblox because Minecraft doesn't have much games like Roblox. Roblox has over 120 MILLION games So far. Minecraft: Has also good game mods and lots of cool features! But Roblox has lots of games called FPS games that don't look like its from Roblox Here is a game That came out in 2021, I believe. and it has good graphics and looks fantastic! Game called: Hellreaver [Open Beta] *in roblox*

Is roblox or Minecraft popular ?

Minecraft: about 200M users Roblox: 2.7B users Which is more popular? Yes, yes, Roblox is! Wait it isn’t! They copied their accounts! Minecraft: 185M players Roblox: 160M players millions of roblox players got banned, so they copied their accounts

Building games that don't have to be downloaded and I can not find any exept ROBLOX?

There are no building games like Roblox that do not have to be downloaded. The only game remotely like Roblox that does not have to be downloaded is Minecraft. However, Minecraft costs $15.

Is there any games like Roblox?

Minecraft, Blockland, Lego Universe

How popular is roblox?

most people don't hate it because it is boring! It is awesome!they do because u have to have Builders Club to access most things. Lots of people think ROBLOX was copied off Minecraft. Roblox was made about tow years BEFORE Minecraft and people THINK it was copied off Minecraft because it isn't very popular and some people just hate it because their friends convinced them why they hate it and they start hating it and spread it on to THEIR friends. It's like racism being passed down from generation to generation with a family.

Is there a free game like roblox and blockland?

There are no other known games that follow the same ideas that Blockland and Roblox do. There is one other game though that is remotely like both games: Minecraft. In Minecraft you can build like Roblox and Blockland, but the game also features a build-to-survive gametype.

Did Roblox copy Minecraft?

No it just seems like it because ts all blocks. So i dont think so. U cant really eo anything in roblox that u can in minecraft