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A terran scv cost 50 minerals.

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Q: How many minerals does a terran scv cost?
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How much does a Terran SCV cost?

It costs 50 Minerals.

On Starcraft There is this hack and this guy got both terran and protos where can you download this hack?

He probably used a dark archon to mind control terran units. If he mind controlled a scv, he could also build terran buildings/units.

What are all of the Terran units in Starcraft BroodWar?

The units are:1. Terran Marine Attack: Air/Ground2. Terran Firebat Attack: Ground3. Terran Medic No Attack Special: Heal/ Flare4. Terran Ghost Attack Air/Ground Special: Cloak/Lockdown/Nuclear Missle5. Terran Goliath Attack: Air/Ground6. Terran SCV Attack: Ground7. Terran Siege Tank Attack: (Siege Mode): Ground/ Tank Mode:Ground8. Terran Vulture Attack: Ground Special: Spider Mines9. Terran Wraith Attack: Air/Ground Special: Cloak10. Terran Valkyrie Frigate Attack: Air (Best grouped with Terran Wraiths)11. Terran Battlecruiser Attack: Air/Ground Special: Yamato Cannon12. Terran Science Vessel No Attack Special: Defense Matrix/ Emp Shockwave/ Irradiate13.Terran Dropship No Attack

What does the acronym 'SCV' stand for?

SCV - Sons of Confederate Veterans

What does SCV commonly stand for?

SCV is a slang term most commonly used in the video game Starcraft and Starcraft 2, in where SCV means "Space Construction Vehicle," which is a item that can be used in game.

What is the best Starcraft unit?

1 - Probe 2 - SCV 3 - Drone protoss- fully upgraded Dragoons or carriers with arbiters backing them up(note, Dragoons get EASILY overwhelmed by zerglings, so bring some zealots or reavers.) Zerg-Guardians with scourges or devourerers, hands down. Terran- Goliaths.

What does SCV stand for in Starcraft?

Space Construction Vehicle.

What does the SCV mean on the radio face of my 2002 Pontiac Sunfire?

It stands for Speed Compensated Volume

What is the airport code for Suceava Airport?

The airport code for Suceava Airport is SCV.

What does the scv control soleniod valve do and what does it mean?

Nissan's swirl control valve (SCV) is an actuator that modulates intake air flow into the engine to increase low and high engine speed efficiency. The SCV does this by constricting the intake opening during idling and low engine speeds. This constriction creates a vortex effect of spiraling air ensuring better fuel vaporization and ultimately thus combustion. During higher engine speeds, the engine computer modulates the SCV to open up which reduces intake air restriction allowing for more power under throttle.

How do become good in Starcraft?

Well, first of all, read the manuals, then know all the unites for Terran, Zerg, and Protoss. Use the campain guide to guide you through (for best results, don't use Power overwhelming). These will help you be the best. Also play online in battlenet. This might be good.But there more that the manuals didnt tell u.Like how a zergling attack the marine and not a scv imagine this 4 zergling10scv1 marine if u surround the marine with all ur scv so that the zergling cant attack the marine then the zergling will just run around the scv circle!Because the scv is not attacking the zergling and the scv is not a infantry unlike the marine so in order doing this the scv will not get attack but if it is attack u can use them to repair each other! so 1 marine can kill over 200 zergling if needed!Also u need to learn the Research like how in (BroodWar) A hydra can turn to a lurker but!u need these building and technology. Hive+Hydra>Hydra+Lurker Tech. that is the formula for a lurker also u have to under stands about the other technology that other race has like how the lurker can be invisble ,but remember the fastest race that can c a lurker coming is a zerg since they have overlord! Here is a little Detector i made for u Terran has 2 detetor -Turret is the fastest why of getting a detetor since u only need a engine bay building but a science vessel take much more building and add on to get! Zerg has 2 also a spore that can also be easy to acess and much easer the overlord! Protoss has cannon and observer! In south Korea Starcraft is like the nba +NFL combine ! These Starcraft player there have play sc for over 8 year and can make over 1 million $ doing it! Imagine a person who understand a sport will know much more about each player stats and understand how or when the player can either weakness or strongest point of the player! as to a nub who don't know anything will be defeated in second !

How to be better at Starcraft?

To get better at Starcraft 2 you must master the art of micromanagement, plain and simple. Go on youtube and watch strategy videos. Eventually the game will come to you as naturally as Chess. My secret advice for Protoss (my favorite race) would be to create two forges and concentrate on chrono boosting them both. You will have a fully upgraded attack and armor by the time your opponent has his first string of upgrades. old answer - one of the crucial ways to win is to make another base early on so you don't stop getting minerals or gas. if you are protoss get another pylon with you 7th probe. you should have 1 probe to each little "group" of minerals before getting a building probe and you should have 3 probes to each assimilator. for terran & zerg simply translate probe to scv and drone etc.