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You can take as many items as you want. However you can only take 1 million mesos with you between worlds. Therefore it's best to buy some equips or scrolls you can easily resell.

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Q: How many items can you take when you change worlds on maple story?
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How do you change worlds on maple story?

Buy a world transfer item from the cash shop, it costs 20k Nexon Cash.

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Equipment? Go to you items ( hot key i ) Go to Equip. And double click on the item.

Can you send items in maple story?

Yes, Through Duey for mesos.

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Facestompers in MapleStory are acquired by forging certain iTCG items and rare items.

How do you get more money in maple story?

Sell items, Kill monsters, quests.

Where can Maplestory Meso be purchased?

Maple Story Meso can be purchased from the Maple Story website. One can make an online account with them and purchase a number of their items or get customer support.

Is there a website that can price maple story items?

Yes there is one. Its called Basil Market.

Can you send items in maple story after big bang?

Yes. but you have to send it in with the new guy.

How do you equip items in maple story?

Open your inventory and double-click on the item you want to equip!

Maple story how do you change your hair?

you need to buy a coupon yo change your hair

How do you change your hairstyle in maple story?

Buy Nexon Cash or do the one quest that will change your hair.

Are there any free virtual worlds other than dragon fable where you can fight monsters?

wizard 101 and i think maple story