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Q: How many iron arrows will you need to get 99 ranged?
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How do you get to the cave to get to the isle of gust?

You need to obtain the Iron Boots by completing Ice Isle, you'll also need the fire arrows.

How do you get 61 range on runescape?

Well depending on your ranged level you will need to kill nearly 960 lesser demons if you are level 1 ranged, to reach 61., now this may Sind scary, but it's not there is a place where you can hit adenine with ranged and sit back and laugh as it trys to hit you but can't ecausent is in a cage, this place would be wizard tower, now you at ommatidia need a Loy of arrows because you worn e able to get hem back, so I oils consider cheap one such ad bronze or iron, although if your a member then you can make arrows, so it won't be a problem but I would still consideing around 2-5k iron arrows considering iron bars only take iron ore t make one bar, also it may be helpful to train Mage up to telekenetic grab, because then you can get the rune mediums that you are bound to stumble upon by killing 960 of these things. Anyways happy killing, and feel free to add me, my account name is daymion2 i am level 91 in p2p worlds and 89 in f2p worlds because of my summoning level, but I myself enjoy ranging and have a decent ranged level that I am proud of considering it takes patients to train ranged it is level 75 and I hope this helps you with your training. €!-.-!€ (supposed to be thumbs up never tried it before lmao)

How do you fletch arrows in runescape?

You use a knife a a regular log and fletch arrow shafts... then you add feathers to them to make the feathered arrows..... then you get arrow heads from the ge or you can smith them yourself from bronze...iron....steel.mithrill.etc......then u use the arrow heads on the feathered arrows and u have arrows.... you need fletching for this...

At what ranged level do you hit 7 with addy arrows on runescape?

That'll depend on your attack style. You could probably hit 7 at lvl. 33 if you're using Accurate. For Rapid, you'll need 36.

How do you become as heavy as the deku tree in wind waker?

You need the Iron Boots from Ice Ring Isle. And to get them, you need the Fire Arrows from the Fairy Queen in Mother and Child Isles. And to get to her, you need the Ballad of Gales from Cyclos. See a large cyclone, approach it, shoot arrows. The rest should fall into place.

How do you do frames and arrows math work?

i need to no frames and arrows problems

What is the best bow on runescape?

Dark Bow is in line of Non degrading, Fire Two arrows at once, and can hit substantially high with Dragon arrows and using special attack.Crystal Bow is strong, it degrades, don't need arrows it fire ones equal to dragon in a way that they hurt more than rune would on a Magic comp bow, but as it degrades it loses Ranged bonus, and really does burn a hole in the pocket, you really do have to be rich.

How do you get past the pigs with the caravan in the game Zelda the Twilight Princess?

What you need to do is you need to shoot arrows at the rider until he falls dead off the bridge. If you have no arrows, then you just need to go and talk to the barkeeper and she will give you arrows. No need to thank me [:-)

How do you find out what kind of arrows you need to shoot out of your bow?

You need to get your bow poundage and draw length measured, and arrows made to match. Never use wooden arrows in a compound bow, they will splinter during release.

Where is the dungeon with the iron boots?

Well, technically they're not in a dungeon. They're on an island called the Ice Ring Isle. You need the fire arrows to get there. Use the fire arrows to melt the ice spilling out of the mouth and QUICKLY climb over the ice blocks to get inside. Slide down the slides and stuff like that and the Iron Boots are in a chest inside. You need to be fast or the ice will start spilling out of the mouth again, with you still inside. I've never actually seen it happen - you have more than enough time, nd the timer stops when you pick up the iron boots.

What body cells need iron?

Blood cells need iron as well as many other minerals such as sulfur, copper, zinc... Etc...

Where is the shop that sells fire arrows in Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask?

There is no shop that sells fire arrows after you get the fire arrows from Snowhead Temple, all you need is your Magic energy meter filled up and some regular arrows, and you can use fire arrows.