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You either have unlimited days AFTER you get your debt paid or 999 days

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Q: How many days are in pikmin 2?
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Related questions

Does Pikmin 2 have better graphics than Pikmin?

Yes. The graphics in Pikmin 2 improved noticeably over those in the original Pikmin.

Are there any cheats for Pikmin 2?

No. There are no cheats in Pikmin 2.

How many bonus movies are there in Pikmin 2?


When was the release of Pikmin 2?

The release of Pikmin 2 happened on April 29 of the year 2004. Pikmin 2 was a popular video game that was a sequel to the previously released game Pikmin.

How many people like pikmin 2?

Pikmin 2 is quite a popular but under-rated game. I recommend you play it if you haven't. It is incredibly fun.

Where can you download Pikmin 2?

You cannot download Pikmin 2; you have to buy the game.

How do you beat adult sheargrubs in pikmin 2?

throw pikmin

What is the fastest way to beat Pikmin 2?

It is best to try to enter as many caves as possible, as quickly as possible. This is where most of the treasure in the game is, and this will help you to pay off your debt. The shortest time it has ever taken someone to get every treasure in Pikmin 2 is eight in-game days.

Which Pikmin game is for GameCube?

Both Pikmin and Pikmin 2 were originally released on the GameCube, though they were remade for the Wii (New Play Control! Pikmin 2 was never released in the United States). Pikmin 3 will be exclusively for the Wii.

Why isn't pikmin 2 out for north America?

Actually, it is, but I guess the game is not made anymore so there is a limited stock of Pikmin 2.... I live in NJ and I have pikmin 2

How many treasures are there in Pikmin 2?

In all, there are 201 treasures to collect.

How many Pikmin can you have in Pikmin 2?

As of November 2015, there are three Pikmin games available: the original Pikmin for Nintendo Gamecube, though another version is available for the Wii; Pikmin 2, also for Nintendo Gamecube and also with another version for the Wii; and Pikmin 3, exclusively for Wii U.There is also a Pikmin-based mini game called Pikmin Adventure in Nintendo Land for Wii U, and Captain Olimar, the main character for the first two games, is a playable character in Super Smash Bros. Brawl for Wii and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and Nintendo 3DS, with Alph, one of Pikmin 3's main characters, available as an alternate costume for Olimar.Pikmin 4 is currently in production and near completion, though nothing else is known as of yet.