Al Carmines's birth name is Alvin Allison Carmines Jr..
Al Carmines was born on July 25, 1936, in Hampton, Virginia, USA.
Al Carmines died on August 11, 2005, in New York City, New York, USA.
Benjamin Anthony clayton
There are 4 Carmines in the Gears of War series: Pvt. Anthony Carmine, Pvt. Benjamin Carmine, Clay Carmine and Sgt. Madison Carmine.
Her favorite restaurant is Carmines in NYC.
there arent 4 carmines theres 3 Anthony carmine Benjamin carmice and clayton carmine notice how there first names sttart with the alphabet a.b.c.all whe need now is a d
yes but he was sooo close to dying by a sniper
one mlle
I do not know what his name will be but i hope it is D.Carmine ( Daniel Carmine)