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no the moms sucks balls? yes they do lol

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Q: How many agree that violent video games effect youth violence?
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How do you write an outline on regulating violent video games?

What I would is find out the effect of violent video games on players. I would also research if there is a link between the release of a particular game and the level of violence in the wider communityThere is new research out now on the effect violent games have on children. Some older research is also published on TV violence and children that could add an interesting aspect to your paper.

Do violent video games provoke violence in children?


Do violent video games promote real life violence?

Though I do not believe violent video games promote real life violence, many experts believe they do. For example, in Australia violent video games are banned, and a heavy fine is placed on those found with them.

Are there any games similar to RuneScape but are not violent?

no. But not all of runescape is violent. You can 'skill' which involves no violence at all.

Do violent video contribute to youth violence YES?

Honestly no. I am quite sick of that statement I play violent games all the time am I serial killer no. Listen violent people are violent before they buy violent video games and non violent people people that buy violent video games do not turn in to ravenous murderers. I see violent video games as an outlet for anger for some people which reduces violence in real life. so NO

Are people desensitised to violence due to violent video games?


What effect does the violence in video games?

Some people believe violence in video games can influence children to become violent also, creating a bad influence for future life. It can also get teenagers to think it's okay to behave badly in and outside of school.

Are video games too violent and do they have an effect on the society?

Only violent video games are violent. They have equal or less effect than violent films, TV shows, live shows, books, and people. So no, they have no effect which is particular to themselves.

Are there age restrictions for purchasing violent video games?

Yes, some violent games, depending on the amount of violence, require you to be 18 years of age or have a parent with you to purchase the game.

Do all bullies get their violence from violet video games?

yes i think so becuase the games ar violent too

What are the release dates for The Daily Orbit - 2012 Playing Violent Video Games Leads to Violence 1-74?

The Daily Orbit - 2012 Playing Violent Video Games Leads to Violence 1-74 was released on: USA: 11 December 2012

Violent video games have a potential negative impact on the lifestyles and behavior of children. Do you agree?
