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It takes approximately 25-100 "days." Everytime you land is counted as a "day" in Skullduggery Island.

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Q: How long should it take to make one million doubloons in Skullduggery Island?
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What crew member should you hire first on Skullduggery Island?

You should buy the NAVIGATOR (12,000 doubloons) in Parrot Port. She increases the speed of your vessel.

How do you hire people on skullduggery island?

When you have purchased larger ships on Skullduggery island, you should get the skilled crewmen as well. Each of the four skilled crewpersons improves your ship performance in some way. The Navigator and Cargo Master are helpful during the trading phase, and the Shipwright and Cannoneer for pirate battles.The crew positions :Shipwright (Dragon Cove) : 20,000 doubloons to hire, slowly fixes damage without dockingCargo Master (Bouffant Bay) : 15,000 doubloons, increases cargo space of any ship by 50%Navigator (Parrot Port) : 12,000 doubloons, increases ship speedCannoneer (Pirate Outpost) : 20,000 doubloons, increases firing rate of your cannon

Where should you sell silk in Skullduggery Island?

anywhere on the map

Which people do you get for your boat on Skullduggery Island?

By the time you are buying the 30,000 and 90,000 doubloon ships, you should have enough doubloons to get the skilled crewmembers. The most valuable would be the Shipwright to repair battle damage and the Cargo Master to increase your space for salvage and cargo. The Cannoneer is usually required to outshoot the larger pirates, while the Navigator is not really that useful. The skilled crewmembers and their locations and salaries (one-time payment) : Shipwright (Dragon Cove) - 20,000 doubloons Cargo Master (Bouffant Bay) - 15,000 doubloons Navigator (Parrot Port) - 12,000 doubloons Cannoneer (Pirate Outpost) - 20,000 doubloons

Who should you hire for Skullduggery Island on poptropica?

hire all the people you can!

How do you trade and sell in skullduggery island on poptropica?

To trade and sell on island on skullduggery island you first must be on one of the 5 islands and walk around you should see a post that says " TRADING POST"

How many people should you have on your crew on Skullduggery Island?

You can get the following four skilled crewmen, bringing your total crew to six, with the regular crew members: the cabin boy and the cook. 1) the navigator (12,000 doubloons) is at Petey's Pub in Parrot Port 2) the cargo master (15,000 doubloons) is at Willard's Warehouse in Bouffant Bay 3) the cannoneer (20,000 doubloons) is at the Cannonry at the Pirate Outpost 4) the shipwright (20,000 doubloons) is at the shipbuilder in Dragon Cove You won't stand a chance against Captain Crawfish without these people and the Phoenix Warbird, which costs 1,000,000 doubloons. --- The navigator and cargo master are not required to fight Captain Crawfish, but the cargo master is a great timesaver in accumulating doubloons.

Is there a cheat to get 500000 dabloons on skullduggery poptropica?

I am surprised there is not one but if if you really wanna rack up some doubloons without cheats your best shot is to trade and salvage in the sea. here is another way if you circle around the Golden Harbor island you'll find a lot salvage, I found 100,000 doubloons in half an hour doing that, or destroy a little ship by making it bump into rocks or shooting it with cannons. After you sink an enemy ship salvage should pop up, get the salvage and it should give you at least 4,000 doubloons and 300 cargo if that does not help...

How do you get Captain Crawfish's ship on Skullduggery Island?

It costs 1,000,000 doubloons for a Phoenix Warbird, essentially the same ship that Captain Crawfish is sailing. It is the only one that can defeat him (you need the Shipwright and Cannoneer as crew). You actually only need 500,000 or less, because you can borrow another 500,000 from the Golden Harbor bank, and when you win, you do not have to pay it back. Once you start buying larger ships, getting this huge number of doubloons becomes far easier. You should buy the next larger ship as soon as you have the doubloons, or you may lose them.

How do you beat the ocean part on Skullduggery Island?

The object is to collect doubloons by salvage (from the water) or by trade (buying and selling on each island). When sailing from island to island, you should initially avoid the pirates and pink sea creatures who can sink your ship. Don't sail through thunderstorms or into the rocky reefs -- these will also damage your ship. If you are sunk, you lose part of your doubloons and cargo.As you amass more doubloons, you can buy larger ships, including those with cannons that can fight the pirates and creatures. You can eventually hire very expensive crewmen who will improve your ship's performance : repairing damage, sailing faster, holding more cargo, or firing cannons faster.Sinking Sea Creatures and PiratesThis is risky, but can generate a lot of salvage when they sink.(for more details, see the section at the related question)

How do you get grain and spice and medicine and silk on Skullduggery Island?

These are the 4 cargoes you will trade once you have a ship. When you collect salvage from the sea, or dead sea monsters, or sunken pirates, it will be partly in doubloons, and partly in assortments of these cargoes. You can continue to collect cargo as long as you have space in your hold. Each of the types of cargo is bought and sold at the 5 trading islands. Ideally, you should buy where it is cheap and sell where it is more expensive. This is the second way, other than salvage, that you accumulate wealth in doubloons.

Where do you buy grain spice medicine and silk on Skullduggery Island?

These are the 4 cargoes you will trade once you have a ship. When you collect salvage from the sea, or dead sea monsters, or sunken pirates, it will be partly in doubloons, and partly in assortments of these cargoes. You can continue to collect cargo as long as you have space in your hold. Each of the types of cargo is bought and sold at the 5 trading islands. Ideally, you should buy where it is cheap and sell where it is more expensive. This is the second way, other than salvage, that you accumulate wealth in doubloons.