I am not sure but i think a normal egg takes 25 steps to hatch to bad egg then one more step to hatch bad egg to crash game or get cursed mew
Forever, a bad egg is exactly what it sounds like. You could walk for an eternity and a half, but a bad egg will not hatch.
Bad eggs are glitches and will never hatch. Sorry.
I am pretty sure that you can't get an Arceus Egg and a Bad Egg is bad news. A Bad Egg can't hatch! You need to get an Action Replay, get a Cloning Code and replace that Bad Egg. Trust me. This is from personal experience.
you cant hatch a bad egg
Bad eggs generally dont hatch. Somtimes they'll hatch into another bad egg, other times they'll hatch into a glitch pokemon.
Four days, 26 hours, and .0432445634 seconds.
it will take 999999999999 steps to hatch a egg
usually a bad egg can not hatch, a bad egg is NOT A WIFI EVENT, if bad eggs do hatch the game will either freeze or will hatch into another bad egg other Pokemon eggs at the time of a bad egg may hatch into bad eggs instead of Pokemon.There is no such thing as a bad egg in Pokemon.A bad egg can never hatch from itself it will just stay as a egg
It takes about 80,000 steps for the bad mew egg to hatch.
yeah um... bad eggs dont hatch... de de deeee
How do you know when you get a bad egg is that it takes way to long to hatch.
It takes one month for a Snowy Owl's egg to hatch.