Unless you can also fertilize the egg (you won't), it will take... forever (as in never).
u cant
Depends on what you mean!
aprox 24 to 26 days
i got a shaymin code and my shaymin turned into a bad egg!how do i hatch it? Yeah i saved turned it off and back on in like 5 minutes and my Giratina is some ''BAD EGG''!
Hatch the bad egg.
it doesn't hatch i put in the action replay code to get regigias and shaymin but shaymin was a bad egg and regigigas was fine. i took 123'000 steps and it did not hatch. oh and this is for Pokemon platinum on the ds lite. so i don't know if it works or not but i don't think it does.
I don't know if it will hatch but maybe it does. I know this because I saw a youtube video that a guy's bad egg hatched into a cursed mew.I don't know if it will happen to my stupid bad egg,but if it does it would be really cool!!!!get an egg than use action replay. you have to walk an amount of steps for it to hatch well that's how i hatch min
Its an egg glitch that occurs if you take an egg out of the PC and you save the game then turn it off during saving, apparently your egg will remain in your party but an egg replacement will be in your PC in the same spot the egg you took out of the PC earlier if you check this egg it will say Bad egg and if you hatch it.... Your game will be destroyed!
if you went to hatch kyore in soulsliver it wii take 9999 steps and 5 days in a bad egg i hope this help you goodbye
8 hours
Zebras grow their babies inside the mommy zebra's lower tummy. They are not hatched.