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it takes 5 days to grow fully.You have to dig 3 holes away from ocean and you have to water it every day if you dont it will die.It has to be at the beach.

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14y ago

if you water it well when you plant it and you water it everyday, it will grow in about 3 days.

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Q: How long does it take for a coconut to grow in animal crossing?
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How long does it take for cocount trees to get cocounts back on their trees in animal crossing city folk?

There are two methods you can use to get coconuts in any Animal Crossing game. The easiest way is to visit a friend or have a friend visit your town and bring a coconut with him/her. If you do not have any Animal Crossing friends with coconuts, you'll have to resort to the second method. This involves checking the beach daily. A coconut will randomly wash up on the shore (my guess would be once or twice a month). Pick it up and plant it within a few squares from the shoreline. Should it grow, you can shake the tree for two more coconuts and proceed to plant those.

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Is a coconut a living organism?

No, a coconut is not a living organism. It is a seed of the coconut palm tree and is considered a fruit. The coconut itself does not have the characteristics of a living organism such as the ability to grow, reproduce, or respond to stimuli.

How many times do you need to water your sapling in Animal Crossing City Folk?

You never needed to water saplings. They grow as long as you don't plant them RIGHT NEXT to buildings or other trees.

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