3 weeks by ship.
Usually the seller has a estimate of when your item will arrive. You see this when you are on the bidding page. However some items can take up to 2 weeks. However you usually get it with in a week depending how they ship it.
Yes as long as the items are small enough to ship. It costs money to sell on Ebay but import/vat (if applicable) is paid by the buyer. As a new seller, you would not want to mess with international anyway. Sell to your country only on your countries site.
Poo face
As long as it fits it ships
eBay doesn't ship any items whatsoever. Each individual seller ships their own goods out to the buyer so the buyer will need to look at the item listing and see which method the seller uses. So, the answer to the original question is: whichever one the seller chooses to send them with.
eBay doesn't ship at all. Items you buy from eBay sellers are dispatched by the sellers themself and are shipped by the method the seller chooses. Some sellers will ship on weekends, some will not; you should be able to see more details about shipping on the item listing page that you purchased from.
For collectable items such as Star Wars Ship miniatures, auction websites like eBay are great, as there are always interesting items in the collectables area. There are also specialist websites such as Boardgame Geek, which sell many similar items to this.
Items ship within 24 hours from Folica.
Yes, ebay does ship to cyprus but only to Nicosia
Yes they ship items. They ship everywhere.
eBay doesn't ship cars. The seller does, ofter after consulting with the buyer. Different arrangements and different carriers can be used, making the time vary a lot.