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Q: How is silver sonic What is he like?
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Amy likes Sonic but Sonic doesn't like her.

Why silver kill sonic?

silver never kills sonic. he tries to but then amy gets in the way, like she ALWAYS does.

Who is older silver or sonic the hedghog?

actually, they are like this: same age= different era Sonic has died in silver's era Silver doesn't exist in sonic's era I do hope this helps

How does Sonic go silver Sonic?

silver sonic is just hyper sonic after about 5 minutes.Isn't silver sonic a robot you fight on sonic 2?

Who is the wight Sonic?

there is no white sonic....his name is ...silver the hedgehog.....he is NOT sonic. silver is not sonic...silver is slow...sonic is fast...silver hates danger ...sonic is always exited for yeah on google search silver the hedgehog and you'll see silver

Who is Silver the hedgehog in Mario and sonic at the olympic winter games?

silver, tough he is like sonic an shadow he cant run as fast he a psycic

What does shadow from sonic look like in color?

the black and blue are very closet with the whit (silver) and i think sonic and shadow and silver are brothers

Is sonic silver's brother?

No, Sonic and Silver are not brothers.

Why shadow and silver look like sonic?

Because they are hedgehogs.

Is sonic and silver releated?

There is no relation between silver and sonic.

Which hedgehog is better sonic or silver?

Silver. cause Sonic's an A$$HOLE.

What episode is silver in sonic x?

Silver is not in Sonic X he is in the games.