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By asking around in Whiterun. Usually you can just talk to a bartender in one of the inns and ask for rumors or information. This will give you the Miscellaneous Task "Join the Companions". You can talk to the leader of the Companions in Jorrvaskr, their base in Whiterun. Jorrvaskr is located in the small area in front of Dragonsreach. It is a large building to the east (in whiterun)

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13y ago

Go to Windhelm and go to the jarl is and talk to him (he is actually Aulfric Stormcloak you meet him at the start of the game in the cart the one with the band on his mouth)

and he will say do you want to join the Stormcloaks. But to join them you have to kill a ice wrath if your low level its going to be hard but if your high level its easy.

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Lidia is your first companion. do the main quest and you will get her. the yarl of whiterun gives you Lidia after bleak falls barrow

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go to the castle in windhelm and speak to Ulfric Stormcloak

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Unfortunately, you cannot join the Forsworn in Skyrim.

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You can start the Jagged Crown quest, and take the crown to the leader of the opposing faction. So instead of returning the crown to Ulfric, take it to General Tullius instead. However once you complete that quest, that's the point of no return.

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If you support the Stormcloaks for the Civil War quest, then yes, Jarl Ulfric will become High King of Skyrim. If you join the Imperial Legion, he is killed.

In Skyrim should I join the stormcloaks if I'm a breton?

If you played Oblivion my suggestion is that you join the Stormcloaks, as it makes more sense to me. I don't think the Stormcloaks will care what race you are when they learn you're the Dragonborn.

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Kill a Stormcloak officer.

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No, I have finished Theives Guild and Dark Brotherhood and nothing's happened to either of the factions.

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Join has one syllable.