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If hes with you and you click on it he will stomp on it for you.

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Q: How does Hercules move the rock blocking Poseidon's throne room poptropica?
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How do you make Hercules come with you on poptropica to hades throne room?

you dont

Where is Poseidon's throne room on Mythology Island?

His throne room is in the Temple to Poseidon, at the bottom of the lake. But you can only reach it when you have Hercules to move the boulder blocking the entrance. If you accidentally enter the Throne Room by slipping past the rock, you may not be able to get out again unless you have the Transporter Mirror.

How do i get throuh the barrier in Poseidon's ocean in poptropica in myhology island?

Hercules will help you remove the rocks blocking the throne rooms of Hades and Poseidon. But only once Zeus has the 5 sacred items will Hercules will agree to help you. When you have all the items, take them back to the Tree of Immortality.

How do you get Hercules to open the throne room of Hades on Mythology island?

Hercules will not help you until you have collected the 5 sacred items and had them stolen by Zeus. You will need the Touchscreen Mirror from Aphrodite's test on the beach. Transport yourself with Hercules to the Hades door and he will roll back the big rock. He will do the same for the rock blocking Poseidon's throne room.

How do you get to posidens throne room in poptropica?

When you finish going to Hades' throne room ,use your mirror from Aphrodite and click Hades' symbol.Then,click on Hercules.Hercules will crunch the rock blocking Poseidon's throne room.Then you can go into his throne room.

How do you move the rock by the door to hades throne in mythology island on poptropica?

get the five sacred items, give them to Zeus, go to Hercules, and use the mirror to get there.

How do you get Hercules to move on mythology island?

Hercules is not going to help you during the hunt for the Five Sacred Items. It is only after Zeus has taken them from you that he agrees. His contribution is to move the large rocks blocking you from the Hades and Poseidon throne rooms. He also smashes the lock on the Mount Olympus gate. When he is turned to stone by Medusa, that is where he stays when you finish the island. He may return for another adventure on Poptropica.

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Page 309

How do you move the rock in front of hades throne room poptropica?

herculese opens it after Zeus takes all your items

How do you push the rock away from the door of hades throne room on poptropica?

Find all five items, talk to Athena, then Hercules and then use the mirror togo to Hade's door.

How do you move the rock blocking hades throne room on Mythology Island?

Once Zeus has taken the 5 sacred items, Hercules will agree to help you, and will move the rocks blocking the way to Hades and to Poseidon. (You will need the Touchscreen Mirror from Aphrodite in Poseidon's realm.)

What does Hercules do on mythology island?

Hercules is not going to help you during the hunt for the Five Sacred Items. It is only after Zeus has taken them from you that he agrees. His contribution is to move the large rocks blocking you from the Hades and Poseidon throne rooms. He also smashes the lock on the Mount Olympus gate.