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Go over to your magic menu and go down to powers, it should be there

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Q: How do you use the khajiits night eye in Skyrim?
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If you have Hearthfire installed you can use them to make Flour from Wheat.

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Dark Elf, Khajit or Argonian

Can you use eye whitener at night and then contacts the next day?

It will be pointless to use eye whitener at night whether you have been prescribed for or you bought it over the counter the purpose of it is to make your iris white, so if you use at night and wake up the next day, you'd still need to use it again. Better use a good lubricant so that your eyes don't get strained from drying when using the contacts or rather give the contacts a break if they make your eyes too blood shot that you look as if you are drunk :)

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you make your follower "use" the pillar and then kill them ( you make them use it by asking them to do something and then clicking on the pillar)