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you either jump in water or go to a new island... you can also play a mini game with someone... poof... the midas touch is gone... until you do it again...ha ha ha...

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

You walk into a new area.

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Q: How do you turn off the Midas golden touch in Poptropica?
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How do you turn other poptropicans into gold with Midas Touch on poptropica?

Click spacebar.

What did King Midas ask Bacchus to turn into when he touched them?

King Midas asked Bacchus for the golden touch.

How was King Midas freed from his ability to turn all he touched into gold?

He washed away the golden touch in the river Pactolus.

How do you turn Poptropica people gold?

The "golden touch" was a reward item on Poptropica, but is now available only through the Poptropica store (for credits).

How was King Midas freed form his ability to turn all he touched into gold?

He washed away the golden touch in the river Pactolus.

History of the meaning the Midas touch?

In Greek mythology, King Midas had the ability to turn everything he touched into gold. To have the Midas touch means that what you do tends to make wealth.

What is the resolution of King Midas in his Golden Touch?

When Dionysus tells Midas that if he washes his hands under water, everything that he turned into gold would turn back to normal. The curse would go away too.

What does midas tocuh mean?

Midas was a guy who had the ability to touch anything and it would immediately turn into gold so saying you have the Midas touch means whatever you do becomes good.

What is an exposition in the story king midas?

King Midas said to Apollo, "Everything that I touch will turn to gold."

What is the main events in golden touch story?

In the story "The Golden Touch," King Midas is granted a wish by the god Dionysus to turn everything he touches into gold. Initially delighted by his newfound power, Midas soon realizes that it comes with unintended consequences as he turns his daughter into gold. Desperate to reverse the wish, Midas asks Dionysus to take back his gift and learns the valuable lesson that material wealth is not as important as the love of family and friends.

What does it mean to have a midas touch?

Nowadays, a Midas touch means that you are charming. This expression got started with the Greek myth of King Minas, who begged the god, Dionysus to grant him that everything he touched would turn to gold. Ultimately, this led to Minas not being able to eat, as well as turning his daughter into a golden statue.

Does king Midas' story true?

The King Midas story is obviously not true, it is not possible to turn things into gold with a touch, in real life.