killing members of the other faction (Horde kills Alliance, and visa-versa) in battlegrounds, or on a pvp server, anywhere allowed. on pve realms, you won't appear hostile to someone else unless you toggle yourself on for pvp by clicking on your characters portrait (lasts for 5 minutes) or by accepting a pvp quest (pvp enabled till 5 mnutes after quest completion). You can also be marked for pvp by going to certain sub zones where there is Free for All pvp. The difference between this and pvp realms is that it's always on, making the game more challenging. Also, upon hit of a npc guard, you will be vulnerable, but they're only near enemy cities. There are plenty of achievements and honor points that come with doing bg's.
List of bg's:
For world of warcraft you have to completely turn of firewall because in wow theres alot of hackers and viruses basing on what you do in it.
Stun them, turn around so you can hit them, and RECKKK!!
No one person actually started World of Warcraft, first the team at Blizzard made the Warcraft games themselves (RTS games, try them!), and then another un-named team decided it was feasible to turn the highly successful game into an MMORPG.
yes if you are a level 10 druid on world of Warcraft you can turn into a bear a cat
Turn on "Logging" for your firewall and check logs to find out if the application is blocked.
The Druid class in World of Warcraft allows you to assume the forms of a Bear and a Cat. You also learn forms to swim (Seal) and fly (Flight Form). Those who have put enough points into the Restoration talent tree can turn into a Tree of Life. Balance Druids can turn into a Moonkin.
Nobody can turn gay. It's simply not possible to change sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is fixed at an early age, possibly at birth.
yes you can turn off blood in medal of honor airborne
you have to turn off norton
This depends on what faction you are on (alliance or horde). If you are alliance click < that if you are horde click < that
You can't do this action, there is really not that many blood scenes at all and it isn't gory with thick blood like you'd see on other games.
Yes. World of Warcraft is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (MMORPG). It is totally online. That being said, you can play all by yourself not interacting with anyone else if you so choose, you just have to turn off all chat channels, don't use the auction house, don't join a guild, and don't do instances that are your level.