Dont u have a switch or something? u have 2 have an on and off.
ive got a 2.1k laptop running with nvidia 8 series graphics cards. its not your computers fault. soilder front is programmed by nooblets. there is a ton of memory leaks in soilderfront not to mention they force p2p share download to other ppl. they are just nooblets who think of ways to reduce upkeep and keep the $$ comming in. i ran wireshark and i had ports ranges(varies) flooded with unnecessary outgoing traffic from soilderfront. sometimes i be uploading as much as 4mb/s - 10kb/s. another thing dont force your video card to render anything the app cant handle. remmeber its made by nooblets.
First, check to make sure you met the recommend min requirements for running the game. Then, try to lower all your video settings down to the lowest settings for a low visual, but higher performance to your game play. Also, it's good to be using DSL or Cable internet connection when you play.
changing password in soldier front
Get gamebooster
There is no g coin hack in soldier front
just google it. or go to for their website and click on soldier front
turn it off.
use a better computer. cant have viruses
To 'fall behind those advancing in front' (see 'straggle/straggler'); 'to develop at a retarded rate in comparison with the more advanced'. Thus the common usage 'to lag behind' is a wordy tautology one should avoid. Where else can you lag? In front? Above? To the side? Being implicit in the meaning, 'behind' is a useless appendage there only to remind the dull-witted of the meaning of 'lag'.
The cast of Front - 2014 includes: Kasper Vandenberghe as Soldier Kurt Vandendriessche as Soldier
maybe end of stream? (LAG)
It is up to you to decide which one is better. Combat arms has better graphics and is more realistic while soldier front has better game-play. People who play soldier front will say that soldier front is best and people who play combat arms will say combat arms is best. Infact, there are many more games like combat arms and soldier front that copy counterstrike. Cross Fire is an example.