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You can't you just have to take the hit.

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Q: How do you stop a dds attack on runescape?
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What is a dds on RuneScape?

well a dds is a weapon that has poison and a special up to 100% Rushers/Zerkers/Ancienters use it mainly all kinds of levels that have 60 attack and stuff you can get A DDS dds + dds ++ dds+++ i think.

What does dds mean in runescape?

dragon dagger

What is better a dds or a d long in runescape?

that's a tough one.

Can baby pet dragons attack in runescape?

No, no pets in runescape can attack, only summoning familiars that you spawn can attack back.

How do you attack meracny guard in RuneScape?

Usually you attack monsters in RuneScape by clicking on them. In some rare cases, you have to right-click and select the "Attack" option.

What level in runescape do you have to be so that red spiders won't attack you?

usually with some monsters they tend to attack you because you are below or near their level, this does get annoying they will stop attacking you when you are at twice their level.

Can you turn an attack mix back into an attack potion in runescape?


Does attack affect your magic in runescape?

Your attack stats don't but look at you Magic bonus on attack, that does.

How do you improve your attack level in RuneScape?

By fighting.

What does spec mean on RuneScape?

Special attack.

How do you talk to rat in RuneScape?

You cant but you can attack it.

How do you attack the old mans bed in runescape?

You attack the Old Man's bed by clicking on it.